Safer Art Studio

A great way to familiarize yourself with terminology used for solvents. Delve into comparisons of solvents and also most frequently asked questions.
Check back soon for an updated Safer Art Studio guide.
Health and Safety
Information on the safe use of art and craft materials:
Martin F. Weber Co. is proud to be a leader in the continuing effort toward improved safety and health labeling for art and craft materials. Under a national consensus standard (ASTM D-4236) developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials, and U.S. Government Regulations which reference this standard, Martin/F. Weber Co. product formulas are reviewed by an independent toxicologist who is a specialist in the area of art and craft materials. Any potential for adverse health effects identified by this review as well as safe use instructions are placed on the product label. The Art and Creative Materials Institute, an independent non-profit organization, monitors our compliance with these requirements and when they are met, authorizes the use of one of the seals shown below.

Products that are found to be non-toxic carry the AP seal. Products that require cautionary labeling carry the CL seal. These seals are your assurance that Martin/F. Weber Co. products are labeled with the most accurate information available on how artists may enjoy them safely. As new information becomes available, we will incorporate it in our product labels. Please look for the Art & Creative Materials Institute (ACMI) seals on your next purchase of art materials for home, studio or school use. These seals assure you of maximum safety and product quality. Art and craft materials, when used with common sense precautions provide countless hours of safe, creative expression and pleasure.
Martin/F. Weber Co. is dedicated to ensuring that professional artists, teachers, students and “Sunday Painters” everywhere can use art materials in a safe, enjoyable and rewarding manner.
Please follow and teach these common guidelines for safe use of art and craft materials:
After using any art material, wash hands thoroughly especially before eating.
Keep solvents covered or sealed when not in use and out of the reach of small children.
Keep studio, workspace or classroom well ventilated and circulate air, particularly when using solvents or aerosols. Utilize spray booths and exhaust fans whenever possible.
In the event that solvents come in contact with skin or eyes, promptly wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation persists, consult a physician immediately.
Avoid inhalation of powdered pigments by using approved dust mask over nose and mouth; use safety goggles if necessary.
Properly dispose or seal solvents and painting materials after use, particularly in home studios.
Never store flammable materials such as solvents near flames, sparks or heat source such a a furnace or space heater.
Do not shape brushes with your mouth.
Keep art materials in their original container or clearly label alternate container used. Keep paint, soiled rags or paper in an airtight metal container until they can be properly disposed of.
When choosing art materials look for ACMI seals and purchase according to the end user, especially in cases where products may be used by minor children, mentally challenged persons or those who are unable to read and/or comprehend safety precautions.
Whenever possible, Martin F. Weber Co. uses ingredients that do not present a potential for health hazards. There are some materials however that cannot be formulated as non-toxic without sacrificing the integrity of the product. When used properly and according to recommended guidelines, they can be safely enjoyed.
If you would like to receive information about the
Art and Creative Materials Institute or products
that they have certified, please visit:
1280 Main St. 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 479, Hanson, MA 02341
Phone/ 781-293-4100 , Fax/ 781-294-0808
CARB Statement
Several states regulate VOC content of certain consumer products, including artist paint thinners, at levels that are more restrictive than federal requirements. Currently, it is not lawful to sell paint thinner in sizes larger than 34 oz. in the states of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Utah. This new regulatory update has identified two new states to this list: New York and Ohio.
Please read the list of affected Chartpak products below. If you order these products in sizes greater than 34 oz., it is your responsibility to establish controls to ensure that the non-exempt products do not get sold in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island or Utah either through retail locations, website, or catalog sales:
Chartpak Item Number 1685 – Weber Odorless Turpenoid 3.79 L (128 fl. Oz.)
Chartpak Item Number 1686 – Weber Odorless Turpenoid 2 L (67.6 fl.oz.)
Chartpak also offers products which cannot be sold in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island or Utah in any size. These affected products are:
Chartpak Item Number 1812, 1813, 1814 – Turpenoid Natural
Chartpak Item Number 5782 – Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer
Going forward, Chartpak will be adding the following verbiage to the labels of affected products: “Not to be sold in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island or Utah." However, be advised that if the items on the list above are sold in those states and state regulators take enforcement action, Chartpak will not take responsibility for the violations and will expect customers to address the violation, defend the enforcement action, pay any associated fines and penalties and indemnify Chartpak for any costs that Chartpak incurs arising out of any enforcement action.
If you have inventory in states that have recently adopted these regulations, you may sell out your remaining stock as long as the printed manufacturing date on the container predates the effective date of the applicable state regulation (January 1, 2022 in New York and July 1, 2023 in Ohio). Ohio has a sell-through period that ends on January 1, 2026; New York does not specify a sell-through period applicable to Chartpak’s affected products. If you have concerns about this notice, please reach out to Jim Gallagher or Erin Phillips at 800-628-1910.
Health Labeling for California Proposition 65
Check back soon for updated health labeling information for California Proposition 65.